Our services

We provide bespoke operational and practical advice along with higher level advocacy reports and business planning, primarily focusing on visitor facing and commercial aspects to support sustainability

Our clients

We work with arts venues, museums, stately homesoutdoor attractions, heritage trusts, foundations, charitable organisations, private and public institutions and visitor attractions of all types, shapes and sizes.

Your outcome

We'll work with you to ensure that what we deliver is going to be meaningful for you and meet your needs. We'll also look at a strategy for ongoing progress and business continuity, so project work is not isolated. 

 "Around here we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths"
Walt Disney, Animator & Entrepreneur
 "They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself" Andy Warhol, Artist

 "Closing a museum to save money is like holding your breath to save oxygen..." Nanette L. Avery, Author
 "Smart art galleries know it's not the words on paper but the emotion in the piece...What your bio, artist's statement or resume articulates will be of no help if you don't make art that connects with buyers"

Jack White, Musician & Artist

All our services are bespoke and therefore the brief is the key to us delivering something which will useful. We're curious by nature, so chatting to organisations and people in the industry always helps us learn and develop. Therefore if it helps you to talk through your thoughts for a potential project, we're happy to come and chat at no cost to you. This can often help to develop a brief if you know that you need support, but you're unsure what the support might look like... or if you decide you don't want to progress just yet, that's fine too. Have a look at our 'What We Do' page for more information on what areas we can support with and why and when you might want to use a consultant.

  • There are over 2000 museums in England, employing over 27,600 people, with over 100,000 additional people volunteering at independent museums*1
  • 82% of British people want to have a museum or art gallery in their local town or city 
  • 87% of people think the historic environment plays and important part in the cultural life of the country*2
  • Museums provide positive social experiences, opportunities for learning and acquiring new skills, increased positive emotions, increased self-esteem and inspiration*3
1. LISU at Loughborough University for MLA, ‘Digest of Statistics 2006’ (2006) & Babbidge, Adrian, Egreria, for the Association of Independent Museums, ‘Volunteering in Independent Museums: A Research Study’, (2009)
2. Heritage Link, English Heritage, Historic Houses Association, National Trust and Heritage Lottery Fund, ‘Valuing our Heritage: The case for future investment in the historic environment’, (2006)
3. Chatterjee and Noble reviewed and summarized various studies to determine the many positive outcomes that museums in health can bring about (Chatterjee and Noble 2013, p. 115)

 "In the future, Britain’s economic prosperity and well-being will not depend on industrial prowess, natural resources or cheap labour but on developing, attracting, retaining and mobilising creativity. In this 21st century, goods, services and industries driven by knowledge and creativity will define Britain’s competitive edge.
Cultural institutions provide the glue that binds communities together. Culture attracts people to a place, just as much as good schools, housing or transport and creates an environment in which other industries, goods and services can grow. Museums, galleries, libraries and archives are treasure troves of knowledge and inspiration, providing interpretation and understanding of the world around us. Arts, drama and music help us to explore our emotions and to understand what makes us human. Communities cannot thrive without these cultural experiences that help us to gain a deeper sense of our selves and our shared heritage."
National Museum’s Directors Conference – Values and Vision statement
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